วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Get Rich Slowly - Sound Solid Investment Principles Take Time to Pay Off

Everyone dreams of finding that perfect investment opportunity – the one that will make them a millionaire overnight. Unfortunately, with few exceptions in history, those perfect opportunities often turn out to be just that – dreams. There are still so many people who want to believe in them, however, that the ‘get rich quick’ industry continues to thrive – and take advantage of those who are not ‘in the know’ about investing. Learning about investment principles can seem like an overwhelming subject to tackle, but learning some basics can help keep you from making some dire mistakes.

First, when you are investing your money, it’s important to realize what is actually happening to that money and why you are being offered the opportunity to invest. Depending on the type of investment that you are making, you are either investing in a company directly, or giving your money to a group that does the investing for a large number of people all at once. As such, those companies (or groups) pay you for getting to use your money. That payment comes in the form of an interest rate that they offer to you. How high or low the interest rate is gives you an indication of how high or low risk the investment is considered to be. The more they pay you, or the higher the interest rate, then the riskier the investment is considered to be.

Second, you need to understand a principle regarding the time value of money. This says that the money you have in your accounts or pocket now won’t be worth the same as an equal amount of money that you get tomorrow, next month, next year or ten years from now. This is because inflation will reduce the value of that money over time. So given this principle, not investing your money is a mistake because it will simple depreciate in value over time. So if you take $1,000 and hide it under your mattress for a year, it will have depreciated in value. But if you take that same $1,000 and invest it, even at a modest interest rate, it will be worth at least what it was worth when you first invested it.

So the key to sound investing is to invest your money at a rate that will keep you ahead of inflation, but not one that is so high that you risk losing all of your money. Where that line is depends on your personal situation, your age, your debt amounts, and your willingness to accept risk at this point in your life. Investing over the long run a range of funds at different interest rates can earn you an incredible amount of money due to the ‘magic of compounding interest.’ But you will have to learn a few things first – and this takes time to do. You will need to do your research on companies that you might want to invest in. You will need to budget yourself and your family’s spending so that you have the money put aside in order to continue investing. You will also want to reduce your debts so that the money you are earning on your investments is not going back out the door on interest payments to those that you are paying for the chance to use their money. Investing this time on your financial future is well worth the effort, and there is no time like now to get started.

Visit the Global Investment Institute and signup for our free Investing For The Beginner E-Course at http://www.Global-Investment-Institute.com

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